Pillar 1: Innovate Computing Majors and Minors
Every student in computing majors/minors can pursue flexible, personalized pathways through an interdisciplinary curriculum marrying computing, liberal arts, and societal grand challenges that emphasizes experiential and team learning.
Bachelor of Science - Computer Science
New and recently developed pathways within the Computer Science Bachelor of Science (BS) degree major include concentrations in software systems, data science, and AI and machine learning.
Bachelor of Science - Electrical and Computer Engineering (BSE)
Concentrations within the Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE) degree major include Computer Engineering and Digital Systems; Signal Processing, Communications, and Control Systems; and Machine Learning.
Students can also pursue minors in Computer Science; Computational Biology and Bioinformatics; Electrical and Computer Engineering; and Machine Learning and AI.
Innovations in computing courses
Interdisciplinary Introduction to Computer Science and Foundations of Data Science take interdisciplinary approaches to introducing students to computational thinking.
Race, Gender, Class & Computing explores the diversity challenges in computing and their effects on technology and society at large.
Algorithms in the Real World and Data Science Competition emphasize experiential and team learning and let students apply computational thinking to practical problems.
Cultural Competence in Computing (3C)
The Cultural Competence in Computing (3C) Fellows Program is a five-month, cohort-based professional development program at Duke where teams of faculty, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students across the country work to develop/improve cultural competence – a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that enable professionals to work effectively in cross-cultural situations – as well as utilize these competencies to affect their home institutions. Read more about the successful first cohort in “Diversifying Computer Science, One Cohort at a Time.”
Solving real-world issues with data science
Meredith Brown, a third-year undergraduate student at Duke studying computer science and statistics, has spent time at Duke solving real-world issues with data science.
This video clip is from Meredith Brown’s presentation at the summer 2020 +DS student showcase as she discusses her analysis.