Poster showing three examples of generated art

Using algorithms to generate art promotes deeper understanding of the ways that computation is changing the visual, textual, performative and media-based world around us. Creatively centered applications of technological systems and processes provoke critical inquiry into the endeavor and humanity behind creativity. In this spirit, the Duke Center for Computational Thinking (CCT) is excited to announce the 2023 Duke Computational Art Competition.

All Duke students, faculty, and staff may submit artworks generated by computational methods, systems, networks and algorithms. We encourage people from any discipline or field to participate, regardless of prior experience.

On Wednesday, March 29 at 4:00 p.m., Augustus Wendell, M.F.A., Assistant Professor of the Practice of Art, Art History & Visual Studies at Duke University, will present "Drawing Machines" -- explaining generative approaches to making drawings. Join the YouTube event and watch additional learning opportunities below.


Submissions will be judged by Duke Visual Art faculty, computing faculty, and external guests. Competition winners will present their artwork at an event sponsored by the Center for Computational Thinking in April 2023. Each winning entrant will give a short talk on the process, methods, and final outcomes of the artwork. The prizes for this competition are as follows:

  • First Place: $1000
  • Second Place: $750
  • Third Place: $500

Submission details

The deadline for submissions to this competition has been extended to midnight (EST) on Friday April 7, 2023; submissions should be made through this Qualtrics form. The artwork must be entirely generated through computational means. This could entail the development and use of original AI systems, the use or development of generative algorithms, or other computational software. The artwork could also be generated through a more theoretical framework of cultural computation. While submissions are encouraged from all varieties of artistic medium, the final competition entry must be submitted in the form of one or more digital images. In the case of work that is performance-based or otherwise not inherently visual, submit visual documentation of the work and the process.

Submissions must be formatted as one or more digital image files in PNG format with a resolution of 4096 pixels in the largest dimension. Submissions must be accompanied by a statement outlining both the conceptual foundation of the work and the specific technical methods employed in the creative process. Submission statements must cite the source of any art used to seed the entry, and reference the source of any software that was not created directly by the submitting individual/team. Submissions must also include the software that was used to generate it, or a link to the software in an online format.

Send any competition questions to Professor Augustus Wendell at augustus.wendell [at] 


Last Year's Winners

Learn more about the winning art from the 2022 competition here.

2022 Winners

Virtual Learning: AI and Art

Duplicates, Iterations, Data and Visuality

Virtual learning experience (VLE) with faculty in conversation exploring the shared domains of visual art, generative creative algorithms and artificial intelligence systems.

Innovation, Influence and Originality: AI in the Creation of Visual Art

A more technical learning experience at which participants were taught how existing AI methods may be used to generate visual artworks.